Our International Certified Programs increase the soft skill values of the candidates of Overseas Workers by our International Certifications , so they will have an easier time applying and getting a bigger salary. Our Open College (Online) Classes :
1)Certified Associate of Public Speaking (C.APS)
2)Certified Advanced of Public Relation(C.APR)
3)Certified Associate of Negotiation Skills (C.ANS)
4)Certified Advanced of Service Excellence (C.ASE)
5)Certified Associate of Business Communication (C.ABC)
6)Certified Associate of Digital Marketing (C.ADM)
7)Certified Advanced Business Copywriting Professional (C.ABCP)
8)Certified Associate of Project Management (C.APM)
Open College Future Leaders, UK in Collaboration with PORTMAN College Malaysia and Indonesian Agency Partners.
PORTMAN College, Malaysia (a World Ranking Campus in Selangor near KL, and MQA Accreditation, https://piln.kemdikbud.go.id/search-institution (Malaysia, PORTMAN College)) ; and Open College Future Leaders, UK (Open College UK Govt permit,85421 SIC First Degree Level Higher Education and also Continuing Professional Development Provider Accredited)
Besides one month of online classes being more affordable, we also have a scholarship booth camp design in Malaysia for the candidates of overseas workers (optional):
1)Certified Associate of Public Speaking (C.APS)
2)Certified Advanced of Public Relation(C.APR)
3)Certified Associate of Negotiation Skills (C.ANS)
4)Certified Advanced of Service Excellence (C.ASE)
5)Certified Associate of Business Communication (C.ABC)
6)Certified Associate of Digital Marketing (C.ADM)
7)Certified Advanced Business Copywriting Professional (C.ABCP)
8)Certified Associate of Project Management (C.APM)
Open College Future Leaders, UK in Collaboration with PORTMAN College Malaysia and Indonesian Agency Partners.
PORTMAN College, Malaysia (a World Ranking Campus in Selangor near KL, and MQA Accreditation, https://piln.kemdikbud.go.id/search-institution (Malaysia, PORTMAN College)) ; and Open College Future Leaders, UK (Open College UK Govt permit,85421 SIC First Degree Level Higher Education and also Continuing Professional Development Provider Accredited)
Besides one month of online classes being more affordable, we also have a scholarship booth camp design in Malaysia for the candidates of overseas workers (optional):